Introductory Letter for HOWM

The purpose of this letter is to introduce the HOWM (Health Outreach for World Missions),, which is a non-denominational, non-profit, evangelical Christian health organization.

The HOWM is dedicated to evangelical Christians focusing on the coordinated delivery of health care to the mission fields, equipping and training missionaries for providing basic health care, and supporting health care centers and teams.

Since 1995, as a medical team of doctors, Won Kyoo Cho, MD, (Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology/Hepatology; Professor of Medicine), and Mi Hei Cho, MD, (Pediatrics) have organized and participated in over 25 short-term medical missions in Central and South America, Africa, Europe, and Central and South Asia.  Based on their medical mission experience and interactions with many missionaries and mission organizations, they have realized the urgent and desperate needs for the coordinated and efficient delivery of health care to the missionaries and their mission fields to share the love of Jesus Christ.  After long period of prayers and planning, we have founded this medical mission organization to provide:

  • Health care for missionaries and their mission fields
  • Educating/training missionaries for basic health care
  • Establishing and maintaining local health missions
  • Networking for effective communication, coordination, and cooperation between health mission organizations
  • Logistic support, information, and training for health mission teams

  As part of our efforts to deliver the necessary medical care to the remote mission fields with limited medical care, we have started pilot programs to develop and optimally deliver telehealth (remote health services and training through the internet connection for clinical and non-clinical services, diagnosis, and monitoring).  Thus, we will need your help in identifying the ideal missionaries in the remote regions with no or limited medical access to participate in these pilot programs to help develop optimal telehealth systems to expand to other mission fields world-wide.

If you or your organization has an interest, please visit our website:, or email us your interest to:  Or simply call us at: (+1) 703-444-7838.

We are looking forward to working with you and your organization to fulfill our Lord, Jesus Christ’s great Commission. 


607 Brockman Ct. Great Falls, VA 22606 USA

(+1) 703 444-7838

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