

Health Outreach for World Missions

  • HOWM (하음)은 미국 버지니아주정부에 등록된 비영리기관으로서 초교파적인기독교 의료선교기관입니다

We are

Dedicated evangelical Christians focusing on the coordinated delivery of health care to the mission fields, equipping and training missionaries for providing basic health care, and supporting health care centers and teams.

Providers: Christian medical and dental professionals (physician, dentist, nurses, pharmacists, therapists, counselors, technicians, businessmen, IT personnel, lawyers, secretary, etc.)
Recipients: Christian missionaries/family + Coworkers ==>villagers


We believe

Bible: The only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
Trinity of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Lord Jesus Christ:True human and God who is the only way of salvation.Virgin birth, sinless life, atoning death, resurrection and the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Sanctity of life given by God: Human life is a sacred gift from God to be respected and protected

Mission Statement

Seeking to provide the coordinated and efficient delivery of health care to the missionaries and their mission fields to share the love of the Christ.


  • Lack of coordination between medical mission organizations
  • Lack of  supportinformation and training for medical mission teams
  • Lack of medical care for many missionaries and family
    • Urgent/emergent medical care
      • Local emergent medical care
      • Telemedicine
      • Medical evacuation and treatment
    • Follow up medical care
      • Local medical care
      • Telemedicine
    • Chronic medical care
      • Chronic medical treatment and medications
  • Lack of basic medical knowledge among missionaries
  • Inadequate support for maintaining regional medical center


  • Health care for missionaries and their mission fields
  • Educating/training missionaries for basic health care
  • Establishing and maintaining local health missions
  • Networking for effective communication, coordination, cooperation between health mission organizations
  • Logistic support, information and training for health mission teams

Get to know our voluntary team

<Under Organizing Teams of Medical Providers and Recipients>